SmartPos - 3D Secure Transaction -------------------------------- FUNCTION: ADD - Format: JSON, XML, QueryString - Account: Adelante Account ID - User: Adelante User Name - Password: Adelante Password - OrderReference: Order Reference - CustomerReference: Optional Customer Reference - FundCode: Optional Fund Code - Amount: Amount In PENNIES - CardNumber: Card Number / Token - CardExpiry: Card Expiry (MMYY) - CVV: CVV - Address: Address Line 1 for AVS - Postcode: Postcode for AVS/ MCC6012 - AccountNumber: Account Number for MCC6012 - Surname: Surname for MCC6012 - DoB: DoB for MCC6012 (YYYYMMDD) - Key: Unique Merchant Key - ValidationTransaction: Y to perform a Validation Transaction (Pre-Auth + Void) up to £1 - --SCA DATA--: REQUIRED FOR FRICTIONLESS SECURE CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION - CardholderName: CardHolder Name - BillingFirstnames: Billing first names - BillingSurname: Billing Surname - BillingAddressLine1: Billing Address line1 - BillingAddressline2: Billing Address line2 - Billingcity: Billing Address City - BillingState: US State 2 digit code (Required if Country is US) - BillingCountry: ISO3166 Country Code eg. GB, US, IE, DE - BillingPostcode: Billing Address Postcode or ZIP - BillingEmail: Billing Email Address - Telephone: Telephone number with international dial code - SaveCard: Save the card and return a token RETURNS - Result: 'OK' or 'Error Message' - ActionURL: The URL to send your client to complete 3DS. You should submit a form to the ActionURL with hidden field TermURL (returnURL) to receive response. FUNCTION: COMPLETE - Format: JSON, XML, QueryString - Account: Adelante Account ID - User: Adelante User Name - Password: Adelante Password - MD: MD - PARes: PARes RETURNS - Result: 'OK' or 'Error Message' FUNCTION: GET - Format: JSON, XML, QueryString - Account: Adelante Account ID - User: Adelante User Name - Password: Adelante Password - MPOSID: MPOSID - Unique ID RETURNS - Result: 'OK' or 'Error Message' - Status: Authorised, Declined, Etc. - StatusValue: -1 = Unknown; 0 = Authorised; 1 = Declined; 2 = Data Error; 3 = System Error; 4 = Valid; 5 = Voided FUNCTION: QUERY - Format: JSON, XML, QueryString - Account: Adelante Account ID - User: Adelante User Name - Password: Adelante Password - Key: Unique Merchant Key - OrderReference: *OR* Order Reference / Ref # RETURNS - Result: 'OK' or 'Error Message' FUNCTION: REFUND - Format: JSON, XML, QueryString - Account: Adelante Account ID - User: Adelante User Name - Password: Adelante Password - MPOSID: Transaction To Refund - Amount: Amount in PENNIES RETURNS - Result: 'OK' or 'Error Message'